Saturday 25 April 2015

University is taking over my life...

Hello again :)

It's been a long time since I posted anything here. I'm not doing very well with all that, am I? I do have it on my "to-do list" all the time... I just never get around to it for some reason. It's like all of my time is just being sucked away... OH THAT'S RIGHT - I enrolled in University! That must be why! Hahaha... Sigh.

I haven't been journalling... It really, really, really sucks. I feel like I'm losing my mind, to be honest. Like I've lost a part of myself. I can't vent, I can't pep talk myself, I can't even release creative frustration. It's so annoying, not having time for myself. And then there's the problem of not actually having a physical journal that is suitable for my style of journalling. All I've got is this big, heavy hard-covered art paper book... And it's a bitch to write in. It sucks all of the ink out of my pens and is very tough to doodle on... I mainly use it to glue things in, but then... it's a hard cover, so it's not going to like having three billion things pasted in... Sigh. I need a new journal, and a new life schedule, and a new mind. Or, my old mind. The mind I had back when I was journalling every day. My current mind is tired, stressed, annoyed and bored. I need some more excitement. Phew... I need a drink.

I bought a new camera, as my little orange Olympus VG-160 was dropped in the sand and promptly stopped working. I am now the proud owner of a Canon 1600-D... So beautiful, and strong, and powerful. And so expensive. It almost physically hurt to hand over that much money to someone... But it was, and is, worth it. I take my camera everywhere I go, even to the supermarket, in case I see something that simply must be immortalised in a photograph. *Note to self: put some photos up on the blog...*

Another milestone - I hit 50 followers on Pinterest! I didn't know my obsessions were so interesting! Welcome, lovely people. I hope you don't mind me taking a little wander around your pinterest boards... :)

It's raining a lot, as it is Autumn here in Australia (though it feels a bit like Spring... All the seasons are a bit stuffed at the moment)... It's not very cold... But it's wet. Very wet. And when I walk through the forests, and the nature reserves, everything is so beautiful... The clouds are dark, everything's wet and beautiful, and when the sun peeps through for a minute, everything sparkles. It's stunning. And everything smells amazing. Autumn/Winter are my favourite seasons for nature walking/exploring/adventuring.

What is everyone up to on your end? Perhaps there are birthdays to celebrate, or holidays? Feel free to comment. I'd love to hear what's going on in your neck of the woods. (I think commenting is available... I'll have to check that)...

That's all from me for now... I'll try to keep the posts a little more frequent :)

Until next time! Put on your boots and go for a walk in the rain!

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