Wednesday 4 March 2015

University, fitness and journalling...

Well the University year has officially started... Three days in, and my mind is in overdrive. Nothing I didn't expect, but it certainly makes it difficult to sleep sometimes. One thing I didn't expect though, was that because of Uni, I'd journal considerably less... Like, almost never. Like, I usually do around 4-5 pages per day, and I'm struggling to even write one. That bothers me a little, as my original solution to an over-active mind was to vent it all out on paper... 

To help me with my time management, and with slowing my brain down a little bit better so that I can actually sleep, I printed off a calendar and a daily planner for time allocation... It gives me a reason to journal, and is very handy in organising what needs to be done before the day starts... It's also how I got back into fitness after a month off... Yes, a whole month. Luckily, because I've boosted my metabolism, I've still been losing weight... But I'd like to work out more often, and the daily planner helps me to achieve that.

 While we're still sort of on the topic of journalling, I actually scanned some pages of my old journals last night! Drum roll please!... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... (my best typing impression of a drum roll)...

Sometimes if I'm feeling particularly happy, or creative, I'll just fill a page with a drawing, or a collage, or a quote... 

Envelopes are always handy to have in a journal... To hold little pieces of ephemera that you don't want to glue down, or that you want to glue down later.

This page is just an example of the things I draw, or stick in... :)
That purple stuff is dried sea weed that I found a bit of a distance from the shore while hiking around some
cliff areas... Australia is so beautiful! :)
I've blurred out personal information and private bits and pieces...

They're the only pages that really turned out kind of okay... Haha. I'll have to figure out how to stop my scanner from missing the centre of the journal most of the time... But I got some pages up! That was on my to-do list for a very long time, so I can finally cross that off!

As always, I hope you are all well and enjoying the weather wherever you are in the world...
Hopefully with my daily planner I can slot in some more blogging time!
Until then - stay safe, stay calm and stay happy!