Thursday 15 January 2015

Give Your Dream Wings with Andrea Schroeder - My experience thus far...

I was blog-hopping recently, and came across Andrea Schroeder's blog... I was having a quick read, and a window popped up asking me if I wanted to sign up for a class of some sort... I admit, I was skim reading, and popped my e-mail in the box, and went back to whatever I was doing beforehand. But then I started getting some e-mails about very interesting things, all from Andrea... She was sending me links to each individual class, once per day... After a few days of just looking around, I decided to give one of the classes a try... It was interesting... Different. Nothing like anything I'd stumbled upon before, so I stuck with it... I've completed the third class tonight, as I take a few days in between to reflect upon what I've discovered... And I've decided that I really enjoy her lessons. Her videos remind me of guided meditation, and I guess that's essentially what they are. Guided meditation with the intention of unlocking your creative and spiritual potential. Phew! Try saying that three times fast. Thanks, Andrea. You're quite a treasure.

Tonight, it was all about discovering your dream and becoming comfortable about it. Or, that's the feeling I got. Maybe that's not what it was about, but that's where the lesson took me. I really liked the "shut your eyes and do what I say as I guide you through your imagination" kind of stuff. It's relaxing, and inspirational at the same time.

Once I complete the Give Your Dream Wings lessons, I'll put up a few scans of my GYDW journal pages and write a bit more about it. But for now, I'm off to ponder the giant lotus.

Thursday 8 January 2015

It's officially over...

Today's the day, ladies and gentlemen... I have long awaited this moment, and have known it was coming for some time... Today I wrote the last entry, on the last page in my very first journal. It's such a surreal moment... When you take a step back, and look at just how far you've come in such a short time... And realise that this chapter is over. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad. No, I have nothing to be sad about in this moment. This is a very good thing. I can start the next chapter, the next journal... I can continue growing, and I can continue documenting it in a new journal, for the new me. I am happy, but I feel numb. This is a very calm numbness, a very content sense of nothing. It feels almost like I'm floating, in my mind. This is it. I am, literally, closing the book.

I will take tonight to get to know my new journal. It is very slim at the moment, as was the one I've just finished, before I filled it with my mental ramblings. Now, the finished journal is at least double its original size, as I hope my new one will end up once it is finished. There is something so satisfying about filling, growing and holding a very fat, very full journal.

I don't have much more to add, as I just wanted to document the completion of my 4 month journey of self-discovery.

Journal on, readers. It's going to be a bumpy ride.